Executive Board
President: Brandie L. Liddell
Vice President: Genevieve Fischre'
Recording Secretary: Rhonda Jones
Corresponding Secretary: Kenda Tibbs
Treasurer: Zakiya Harris
Assistant Treasurer: Lauren Scott Briningstool
Financial Secretary: Linda Goings
Assistant Financial Secretary: Tracie Webb
Parliamentarian: Teresa Bingman
Sergeant-at-Arms: Dionne Davis
Member Representatives: Genevieve Fischre'
Journalist: Katreva Bisbee
Historian: Tanya Pratt
Webmaster: Hope Rollins
Risk Manager: Linda Goings
NPHC Representatives: Sonya Sanford Quinney
Immediate Past President: Tanya L. Pratt
Committees and Chairs
The mission of the committee is to audit the chapter’s records in accordance with the procedures listed in the Internal Audit Manual.
Committee promotes and supports cultural arts in the community and develop programs in accordance with the Grand Chapter's directions
The Chaplain's Council is comprised of Chapter members who believe in faith-based principles. They provide prayer, intercession and spiritual guidance and support for Chapter members.
The Delta GEMS committee curates programming geared toward inspiring and enriching young, high-school women in the Lansing community. Programs are centered around leadership, community outreach, public service, cultural awareness, dealing with peer pressure, image building, and developing strong, confident and respectful young ladies by striving to prepare them to take active roles in their success and in society at-large.
To assure that the members of the LAC Chapter are knowledgeable of how to prepare in case of an emergency or disaster.
The Finance Committee is chaired by the Treasurer and includes the Financial Secretary, President, Assistant Financial Secretary and Assistant Treasurer as applicable. The three main objectives of the Finance Committee are to: (1) Consider the financial needs and programs, and develop a balanced budget based upon the needs of the chapter; (2) Prepare the operating budget for the ensuing fiscal year, which is presented by the chair to the chapter for approval by May of each sorority year; and (3) Review and recommend budget modifications quarterly.
The Fundraising Committee of the Lansing Alumni Chapter will raise funds to be used for the ongoing development of programs and activities established to advance the broader mission of Delta Sigma Theta through our service and support of scholarships in our local community.
Healthy Lifestyles is a committee that serves to influence healthy initiatives not only to its members, but also to the Greater Lansing community at large. This committee creates programs that address physical and mental health.
The mission of the committee is to coordinate membership reclamation activities, organize sisterhood and fellowship activities and to identify and implement methods to recognize and reward members. For more information, please contact dstlacmembership@gmail.com
The purpose of Member Services is to make sure sorors are extended the courtesy of care on behalf of the chapter. Our responsibilities include, but are not be limited to, sending birthday e-greetings, sympathy cards, congratulatory cards, holiday e-cards, and other card/electronic communications as needed.
The Nominating Committee will solicit and receive nominations from Sorors seeking to serve as chapter officers and Members to serve on the Minerva Circle if the chapter votes to engage in Membership Intake. In both cases, the committee will prepare a slate of Candidates for offices/Minerva Circle and present to the membership for consideration.
Responsible for planning chapter programs and activities that are consistent with Delta Sigma Theta Sorority's Five-Point Programmatic Thurst.
The primary function of the DST LAC Publicity Committee is to publicize all programming put forth by the chapter each sorority year. This committee also maintains the professional image of the chapter and ensures favorable publicity about chapter activities and accomplishments of the members.
Oversees the proper execution of ceremonies as stipulated in the official Ritual of Grand Chapter.
For nearly 60 years, the Lansing Area Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta, Inc. has been committed to providing annual scholarships to accomplished young women from high schools in our service area who seek higher education. Our scholarship recipients are rewarded for their commitment to scholastic achievement, leadership, and community service. Applicants are required to complete our scholarship application and provide an essay representing their future educational and career goals by the deadline.
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. was founded on January 13, 1913. Social Action was the first public act of the Sorority, with several of the Founders marching in the historical Suffragist March under the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. banner in March 1913 - approximately 6 weeks after its founding. The Sorority's commitment to Social Action that was demonstrated over 100 years ago by our Founders has remained one of our major thrusts locally, nationally and internationally. Since its founding, the Lansing Alumnae Chapter has organized, supported, and spoken out on a variety of social action issues facing the African American community, including, for example, voter registration, education and mobilization, candidate forums, and Census promotion.
The committee is responsible for addressing the communication needs of the chapter and implementing best practices to meet media and technology needs. The work entails the creation, copy editing, and maintenance of the chapter’s website and social media platforms. Additionally, implements technological solutions that aid in the efficiency and effectiveness of the chapter, monitors recommendations and requirements from the National Technology Committee, as presented in the Delta Technology Guidelines, while working with the chapter’s leadership for implementation, including the Security and integrity of the website and other platforms.